Saturday, October 11, 2008

A Saturday !

Woke up at 8 today,got to be in college by 9!......I had to skip breakfast and run to catch a bus.Reached college by 9.10..only to find out that class has been delayed by half hour!I was really pissed.
The class started at 930 with our HOD giving us a lecture about digital image processing....(This subject is so boring,I almost fell asleep spelling 'Digital image....').the HOD is doing his research in that subject and so he lectured us about it and we students were forced to listen.He told some stuff about a software called matlab.I was interested since I like photography...but he said the software costs around 7 lakh.If the software is so costly and rare then what is the use of teaching it to us?
He wanted some of the students to do a project regarding the subject.As expected ,nobody was interested.I think he wanted some assistants for his research work and he wanted to persuade to take up the project.Though the project seems interesting now,I'm sure I will lose interest in it soon.Then it will a burden on me because HOD wont stop giving me work and I will end up repenting my decision of joining the project.Some of my friends wanted to do the project...I told them it isnt so interesting as it seems.However if I get a copy of matlab,I plan to learn.Another addition to my to do list,I guess!
I was passing comments on the HOD during his lecture and suddenly he caught me.I felt embarassed,not because HOD caught me,but beacause suddenly everybody in the class were staring at me.Its like, I have committed the-greatest-sin-ever-to-be-committed.But then I realised thats what I would have done if I were one of them.I guess its student mentality.
The HOD said we were to take a break and he would return to continue after an hour.(Actually he showed some sympathy after looking at our plight!)But one of the other lecturers came in to the class immediately and said he would lecture us about logic design!Some break I guess!
He is the senior-most lecturer in our department and he does teach well.Some other day,some other time it would be a great one hour lecture,but we were 'bored to the core' already so we had to suffer for another hour.Besides he taught us a topic that has already been taught-in-detail(it just adds to the pain!)
As soon as dismissed the lecture we were out of the hall.Next stop basketball court!
I played some bball (the game that has forbidden me from writing for over a month).It helped me recover from the carnage I had faced the previous two hours!

My philosophy(an impromptu title,mind it!)

This is my philosophy
"A person should a mental thing,a day"
Meaning,dont develop a routine.Do something different everyday.
For example,look at me today...I'm blogging!
The mental thing that you have done today shouldnt be repeated any other day as 'the thing' for that day.Do something hatke everyday,something that makes you happy for you know what they say----"Variety is the spice of life!"

I'm back!

Its been soooooooo long since I visited my blog.Is it called a blog if it contains a single post??!
I dont like blogging when people are around.I want it to be a surprise.Guess the only people I have surprised by blogging today are the guys at !
This time I want to continue blogging......I have to succeed this time...this is my third attempt!
I feel I,m back for good and one day my blog(s) will be the talk of the net world.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Shree Ganeshaya namaha!

Thats what all Hindus say when we we start working on something so that it turns out great!...........aaaah!started blogging at last after 5 failed attempts(!)Lets see how this goes.....!